Strange and unusual dictionaries.
Acronym Expander. Acronyms for Health Information Resources.
Alphabet soup explained.
List explaining over 900 acronyms and abbreviations used in Internet chat rooms, e-mail, and newsgroups.
American Library Association. ALA acronyms and abbreviations.
Computer sciences acronyms' in English, French and German.
European Union. List of libraries abbreviations encountered in the context of EU R&D.
Explain: acronymn database.
General Services Administration and National Performance Review. Center for Electronic Messaging Technologies. U.S. government commonly used abbreviations and acronyms.
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis University Library. Abbreviations and acronyms of the U.S. government.
Mckiernan, Gerry. All That JAS: Journal Abbreviation Sources.
Mountain Data Systems. Acronym Finder.
Shams, Marie-Lise. Acronyms for Health Information Resources
Studyweb. Reference: Acronym dictionaries.
U.S. government commonly used abbreviations and acronyms.
U.S. Army Digital Force Coordination Cell (DFCC). Acronym finder.
University College, Cork, Ireland. WorldWideWeb Acronym and Abbreviation Server.
WorldCom. Telecommunications Glossary and Acronymns
Internet anagram server.
American heritage dictionary of the English language (Third edition). Baum, S. Online dictionaries, glossaries and encyclopedias - 101.
Beard, Robert (Director of the Russian and Linguistics Programs). A Web of on-line dictionaries. Bucknell University.
Beard, Robert. A web on on-line grammars.
Block, Marylaine. Where the wild things are: Librarian's guide to the best information on the net: What Is It: Dictionaries and Encyclopedias. Davenport, IA: St. Ambrose University.
Britannica Online. Merriam-Webster's WWWebster Dictionary Merriam-Webster. alternate and the Pronunciation guide.
Cambridge dictionaries online.
Includes the Cambridge Dictionary of American English (1999); Cambridge International Dictionary of English (1995); Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs (1997) and Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms (1998).
CMP Media Inc. Tech Encyclopedia
Carroll, Robert T.Skeptics dictionary: A guide for the new millennium.
Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) Index.
Glossaries and Dictionaries.
Harris, Robert. A Glossary of Literary Terms and A Handbook of Rhetorical Devices. Southern California College.
Hawkins, S. Eponym: International names.
Simple explanations for basic life activities, such as how to fix a leaky faucet.
Hutchinson dictionary of difficult words.
Hypertext Webster Interface.
Index of On-Line Dictionaries.
Lancashire, Ian. (Ed.). Early Modern English Dictionaries Database (EMEDD). University of Toronto, Department of English.
Online database to 127,000 word-entries from eleven dictionaries from 1530 to 1657.
LexicalFreeNet: Connected thesaurus.
" for relationships between words, concepts, and people. It is a combination thesaurus, rhyming dictionary, pun generator, and concept navigator."
MIT.WWW Glossary.
- The fun part about this glossary is that users pick the words to add and then define them.
One Look Dictionaries - The Faster Finder.
Searches 81+ dictionaries.
Online Rhyming Dictionary
Oxford English dictionary online. Oxford University Press.
Parks, Robert. (1998). Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus
Phrase Finder
- Phrase Finder does for phrases what a thesaurus does for words. Give it a word and it will give you a list of phrases (in English) that are related to it in some way. Fully searchable.
Probert, Matthew. Probert encyclopedia.
Proteus Internet Search Tools. Word search
Resource central: Dictionaries.
Random House Websters College Dictionary. (1997).
Stine, Randy. Animated American Sign Language Dictionary.
SuperGlossary info.
World Wide Legal Information Association. Legal Dictionary
WWWebster Dictionary.
Delahunt, Michael. ArtLex: Dictionary of Visual Art. Encyclopedia of percussion.
See also: Syracuse University Libraries. Biographical sources . African American biographical database.
American Association for Information Science. Pioneers of information science in North America.
American Ballet Theatre. Online ballet dictionary [Quicktime, frames].
Biographical Dictionary.
Bois, Danuta. Distinguished women of past and present.
Brandt, Daniel. NameBase (biographical dictionary).
Find a grave.
Gray, Patricia. Pronouncing dictionaries of: Opera terms and Opera works. Memphis, TN: Rhodes College.
InfoPlease. People.
Lives, the biography resource.
Mann, Laurie D. T. Dead people server.
Obituary Daily Times (GEN-OBIT).
Secretary of the Senate. Senate Historical Office and Clerk of the House, Legislative Resource Center. Biographical directory of the United States Congress, 1774 to Present .
University of Pennsylvania Library. Reference Shelf: Biography.
University of Tennessee, Knoxville. School of Information Sciences. Dead Germans project.
Biographies of famous dead information scientists.
Waterboro Public Library. Maine writers index.
Guide to 150 Maine writers with biographical and bibliographical information.
Who's Who .
Who's Who Online.
Yahoo! People Search.
Bank of International Settlements. Glossary of terms used in payments and settlements systems [.pdf]. International financial encyclopaedia.
New York State Society of CPAs. Accounting terminology guide.
Supply-Chain Inventory Management Special Interest Group. Glossary of inventory and materials management definitions.
Cooking thesaurus.
Johnson, Paul M. A glossary of political economy terms.
American heritage book of English usage. (1996). Strunk, William Jr. (1918). Elements of style . ca, NY: W.P. Humphrey.
Dictionaries in many languages. Chinese-English dictionary.
European Commission(DG III). Multilingual glossary of technical and medical terms.
Foreign Languages for Travelers.
HTML Translation Page!
Supply a URL and program will translate page into a number of different languages.
International slang dictionaries.
NetGlos: Multilingual glossary.
Rivendell International Communications. Language Dictionaries and Translators Webpage.
- This page provides access to online translation dictionaries for 37 langauges as well as Rivendell's own experimental translating dictionary.
Travlang's Translating Dictionaries.
Duhaime, Lloyd. Duhaime's law dictionary. Webster's dictionary of legal, lawful, & propaganda terms.
American Association for Information Science. Pioneers of Information Science in North America. American Library Association (ALA). (1983). The ALA glossary of library and information science. Chicago: American Library Association. Bird-Reference and 5th floor Z1006 .A48 1983
="">ALA Symbols ="">Glossary of broadband terms
CMP Media Inc. Information Technology and Systems Dictionary.
Computer Currents. High tech dictionary.
Dawson, Keith. (Ed.). argon scout.
J Enzer, Matisse and Internet Literacy Consultants. Glossary of Internet Terms.
Harrod's librarians' glossary of terms used in librarianship, documentation and the book crafts and reference books. Aldershot, England: Gower.
Heylighen, Francis. Web dictionary of cybernetics and systems.
A combination (with permission) of the ASC Glossary, Krippendorff's Dictionary and Hornung's Glossary.
HotWired and Anderson Consulting. Encyclopedia of the new economy.
Howe, David. Free On-line Dictionary of Computing or an Alternate site. Webopedia.
IT terms defined.
Kadow, Kevin (Ripco Communications Inc.). Internet and Unix Dictionary.
Kind, Irving. Babel: A glossary of computer oriented abbreviations and acronyms.
Librarians' glossary of terms used in librarianship, documentation and the book crafts, and reference book. Bird-Reference, 1st floor Z1006 .H32 1987
Management and Technology Dictionary
Mecklermedia Corporation. Webopedia.
="">Multilingual glossary of library terms
Multimedia Productions: Hypertext Handbook
- A list of 80+ defined commonly used Internet terms, a huge glossary of computer oriented abbreviations and acronyms, an Internet and Unix Dictionary, and pointers to a computing dictionary and jargon lookup.
Net Lingo: The Internet language dictionary.
New School for Social Research.History of economic thought .
Raymond, Eric S. The new hacker's dictionary.
- Contains instructions for FTPing the book (as well as how to buy).
Reitz, Joan M. ODLIS: Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science. Western Connecticut State University.
Shnier, Mitchell. (1996). Dictionary of PC hardware and data communications terms. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly and Associates Inc.
Tech Museum of Innovation. PC webopedia.
UNESCO. ="">Glossary of terms related to the archiving of audiovisual materials.
University of Arizonia. School of Information Resources and Library Science. Information professional's glossary.
UNLV Library. Glossary of Library Terms.
Online dictionary of information technology, e.g., a list of "every file format in the world."
WorldCom. Telecommunications Glossary and Acronymns
University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Paleontology UCMP Glossary. Contains glorraries in the following areas: phylogenetics, geology, biochemistry, cell biology, ecology, life history, zoology, and botany.
University of Texas BioTech project. Life science dictionary.
Glossary of literary terms and Handbook of Rhetorical Devices. Shubinski, Robert G. Glossary of poetic terms.
BioTech. Life Science Dictionary. Dark, Graham. Online Medical Dictionary--Graylab CancerWeb. Gray Laboratory Cancer Research Trust (UK)
Gardenweb glossary of botanical terms
Illustrated encyclopedia of human anatomic variation.
Multilingual Glossary of medical terms.
Online dictionary of mental health.
RX List--A Drug Information Database
Schlindwein, Birgid. Hypermedia glossary of genetic terms. Weihenstephan Information and Documentation Centre (IDW).
Texas Environmental Center. Encyclopedia of Water Terms.
Department of Defense. Dictionary of military terms. Dictionary of American naval fighting ships.
Givens, David B. (Compiler). Nonverbal dictionary of gestures, signs, and body language cues. Center for Nonverbal Studies. Handspeak: A sign language dictionary.
Eliasmith, Chris. Dictionary of the philosophy of mind. B Kemerling, Garth. A dictionary of philosophical terms and names. B
Saint-André, Peter. The Ism book - A field guide to the nomenclature of philosophy.
Academic Press dictionary of science and technology. (1992). Richardson, Steven M. Illustrated glossary of geologic terms.
Yahoo! Science: Measurement and Units.
Johnson, Paul M. A glossary of political economy terms.
Bartlett's familiar quotations. Creative quotations.
Ellison, John. Library, librarian, and librarianship quotes.
="">15,000 Quotations.
Friedman, S. Morgan. ="">Cliche finder
Furman University. ="">Matematical quotation server.
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). Quotations about libraries and librarians.
Love quotes encyclopedia.
Movie quotes.
Quotations home page.
The Quotations page.
Quotations site.
Simpson's contemporary quotations.
Brewer, E. Cobham. Brewer's dictionary of phrase and fable 1894 editionor 1898 edition. Gast, Walter E. Symbols in Christian art and architecture.
Kraemer, Elizabeth Wallis. An etymological dictionary of classical mythology.
Jacobs, Jim. Glossary of selected social science computing terms and social science data terms. Parkinson, Gary & Drislane, Robert. Online dictionary of the social sciences. Athabasca University, Canada, and the International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication (ICAAP).
Victorian dictionary.
Iverson, Jeff. World wide sociology webring: Sociology dictionary. Jacobs, Jim. Glossary of social science computer and social science data terms.
Hoffman, Howard S. Internet glossary of statistical terms. Jacobs, Jim. Glossary of social science computer and social science data terms.
National Science Foundation. Statistical Terminology
Rowlett, Russ. A dictionary of units of measurements.
Rogets II: The new thesaurus (Third edition). (1995). Roget's thesaurus of English words and phrases online. Alternate site.