Friday, February 27, 2009

National Workshop on Engineering Librarianship (ELS-2009): Perspectives & Future- Day 2

Day-2 (27-02-2009):

1. "Knowledge Management applications in Libraries" Mr. Manjunath MBA Faculty, NMIT

2. "Engineering Information Resources"- Dr. I.R.N. Goudar Head, ICAST, NAL

A very excellent presentation of his views which are shared with participants and also he given more open access e-journal resources which very useful to engineering college libraries. portal design and hosting, engineering databases,subject wise etc.

3. "OA and institutional Repositories" -Dr Poornima Narayana Dy Head, ICAST, NAL

4. "Library 2.0: Transforming Library and Information Services"-Dr. M. Krishnamurthy, DRTC/ISI

This presentation given good inspiration in participants. What future librarian or cybrarian should be?. Librarians role, Technology, new services etc.

5. DSpace Practical Training: Dr. M. Krishnamurthy, DRTC/ISI

This session provides practical experience how to Installation, configuration, customization and Troubleshooting DSpace on Linux platform(fedora).

Thursday, February 26, 2009

National Workshop on Engineering Librarianship (ELS-2009): Perspectives & Future

Three Day National Workshop on "Engineering Librarianship (ELS)-2009: Perspective & Future"

Day -1( 26-02-2009)

1.Inaugural /Keynote address: Prof. I.K. Ravichandra Rao

2."Re-Engineering Librarianship concepts & Development": Ms. Gayatri Sen , Chief Librarian, PESIT

3. "HR Issues in Library Managment": Prof. Rajan, HOD , MBA Dept. NMIT
4. "Digitization and Digital Preservation" : Mr. K.P. Rahuraman, NCSI/IISC
5. "Open Access Journals": Mr. Francis Jayakanth, NCSI/IISC

Monday, January 12, 2009

SENAYAN:Open soruce ILMS

SENAYAN Library Automation software, web based open source ILMS, complete modules for automating library task such as cataloging, circulation, membership, stock check etc. It is on Open source technology like PHP and MySQL.
